The Police have Radar, We Have NMobile: Speed Traps
NMobile: Speed Traps is excellent and getting better every day. I give it 4 out of 5 stars because it relies on the iPhone GPS capability which I still think is a bit hit or miss. However, NMoble uses GPS, Microsoft Maps and the iPhone time signal fully to identify and record speed traps. I regularly go for a Starbucks coffee and there is a section of road between my home and the popular coffee shop where two different police departments lay in wait for speeding motorists almost every day. This fantastic little app alerts me to potential speed traps in the area by time of day and location. As more and more people in the area note where the police cruisers are and when, this app just gets better.
I disagree with a previous and negative review about "jerkiness." The app is very polished and the rendering is super smooth. The interface is minimalist, intuitive and easy to use--a key to keeping the database fresh and growing.
This spam-free app is a great value for $2.99. I highly recommend this app, which is only get better when Apple releases iPhone 3.0.
JJ Kilfoil about
NMobile: Speed Traps